Lukas Miaskiwskyi

Welcome to my website! I am Lukas Miaskiwskyi, PhD, mathematical physicist by training, and this is my online presence. After finishing my M.Sc. at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg in 2018, I moved to the Netherlands to start my PhD under supervision of Dr. Bas Janssens, on the topic of cohomology & projective representation theory of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of geometric origin – or, in less scary (but still a little scary) terms: the mathematics of symmetries in quantum systems. Now, I work as a Risk Analyst in the Young Professionals in Advanced Analytics program of Rabobank in Utrecht, as part of CASA (Capital Adequacy and Scenario Analyses). Here, my job is to build, maintain, monitor, and provide help and guidance on tools used for calculating the bank’s economic capital.

Next to mathematics & finance, I am also passionate about computer science and programming. Parallel to my PhD, I have familiarized myself with the theory of algorithms & data structures and have a solid foundation in frameworks, libraries and languages such as Java & JavaFX, Python & NumPy, C, and the basics of web development (Javascript, (S)CSS, HTML). I am currently also combining my interest in mathematics with my interest in programming and getting into proof assistants, like COQ, Lean, and Agda.

During my PhD, my research interests included, but were not limited to:

  • Differential & symplectic geometry
  • Finite- and infinite-dimensional Lie theory
  • Homological algebra
  • Functional analysis of Fréchet spaces & general topological vector spaces

On the less professional side of things, I am also quite interested in languages, video games, social politics, public infrastructure and internet culture. But these things are better discussed in person!

My PhD thesis is available here on the TU Delft repository: Click!
My propositions are available here: Click!